Visual Communication is my Passion

I'm a branding, UX & web designer.

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How's It Going?

I’m an open-minded thinker who loves to experience and take inspiration from a whole variety of things, whether it be travelling, music, sport or anything else. As someone who is visually impaired, I have gained an empathy for people with different needs and I believe products and services should be designed to communicate to as many people as possible, thus my aim is to leverage the capabilities of products and services and give a beneficial contribution to the world.

What's Important to me?

Communication symbol


Without a message, there is no design, it would just be a creation with no direction. Your work must stand for something, or otherwise people can’t connect with your work. It’s essential that people come together to explore what they want to achieve, whom it is for and how to go about achieving it.


Work isn't considered work if it's something you love, and this is how I feel about design. But it is not just the design, it is the impact that it can have on people's experiences and making a positive difference is something that drives me to contribute towards effective content.

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Meeting deadlines is essential, but so is spending the time to come up with and deliver the best solutions. Ideas can come in many ways, fast and slow, free flowing and in spurts, but giving plenty of thought, care and focus is so important to creating something of value and quality.

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